The Twelve Rays are tools that come directly from Source, or All that Is, or God. I prefer to use the term Source. Feel free to swap my use of Source with a label that you feel comfortable with. After all, it is just a label. The Twelve Rays are all about connection. They help us to claim our Divine Heritage as children of God. They remind us of our connection to that part of our being that exists in other dimensions. They help us to break through the illusion of separation. The Rays are more than tools though and I will explain more about that as we go.
What you will learn in this series of blogs is that the Twelve Rays have everyday practical applications. I consider them to be part of a new version of spirituality. A spirituality that is not restricted to a particular label like Christian, or Jewish, or Muslim, or Buddhist, etc. or a particular location like a church, a temple, or a mosque. This new spirituality is not something we do, but rather something that we are. The higher Rays, particularly Rays Eleven and Twelve open us to New Awareness. I believe this new spirituality is part of that New Awareness.
The information about the Rays was shared with us more or less one Ray at a time. This was done in order for us to have the time to process and integrate the information of each individual Ray. I'm glad that we received the information this way because it did take a while to blend with the energy of the individual Rays and to integrate the wisdom of the Rays into our consciousness.
Interestingly enough, it took several years to feel comfortable enough to assemble the information about the Twelve Rays into a book. The first book, The Reality of Your Greatness, was first published in 2018. That book is the story of my personal journey with the Team through the Twelve Rays. My intention with the first book was to get out as much information about the Rays as I could. I also wanted to provide a mechanism to help people connect with the energy of the Rays. I worked with a good friend of mine, Richard Shulman, to produce a two-disc CD of original music. The resulting CD, A New Awareness, contains twelve tracks on it, one for each of the Rays. All the music was composed and is performed by Richard.
The message from the Team has never been just about the Twelve Rays. Their message is that we are more than we think we are. Their intention is to correct distortions to their messages that have taken place over time. They remind us of who we really are and the tools that are there for us to use and command.
Buy The Reality of Your Greatness today and learn about the Twelve Rays, the gifts of your Divine Heritage and remember your connection to your higher-self. Open yourself to the New Awareness that they offer.